The Japanese National Honor Society recognizes and encourages achievement and excellence in the study of the Japanese language. The American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) is pleased to assist teachers with a way to recognize their outstanding students, to encourage them to continue in the study of Japanese, and to promote activities that give students ways to use their language skills.
What Is the JNHS?
The Japanese National Honor Society Pre-College Chapter (JNHS) recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence in Japanese study by working with teachers and administrators to develop and maintain high standards of Japanese language education and promoting cultural activities.
Students who are nominated for membership receive Certificates of Excellence and a cord (optional) to be worn during graduation. Their schools and instructors are recognized on the AATJ website and in the AATJ Newsletter.
Academic criteria for student induction in JNHS are as follows:
The Japanese National Honor Society Pre-College Chapter (JNHS) recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence in Japanese study by working with teachers and administrators to develop and maintain high standards of Japanese language education and promoting cultural activities.
Students who are nominated for membership receive Certificates of Excellence and a cord (optional) to be worn during graduation. Their schools and instructors are recognized on the AATJ website and in the AATJ Newsletter.
Academic criteria for student induction in JNHS are as follows:
- the student has completed the first term of his/her second-year Japanese language course in middle/junior high or a senior high school;
- the student has maintained a 3.5 GPA in Japanese courses and an overall 3.0 GPA.